that two and half years after
I find out that Derek Bailey
has died. And why should I
care when I only now and then
listen to his music, and I was
gleaning information about him
as I was essentially stealing
a couple of his albums?
I suppose I’m surprised-
I don’t know why; he was 75--
but he was only seventy-five
and I guess that when I am
trying to break bonds in
my own life, and feel drawn
to his crazy plucking.
Maybe it is that he had
carpal tunnel or so the doctors
(so foolish!) thought,
but it was really
motor neuron disease
and I have carpel tunnel
or so I thought…
I didn’t think sleep apnea
was that big a deal
until Reggie White died.
And my chest pains
meant nothing until Nolan Ryan
decided to go to the hospital.
And here I am listening
to Ballads and hoping
I can get through tomorrow
it being my wife’s birthday
and none of us are feeling well
None of us are very close
to okay.