And the morning 

gives way, 
as a thought 

to a feeling. The middle 

of the day 
is an acoustical ceiling 
with cathedral rafters, 
pine scent clinging 

to the blistered studs,

a plum line marks nail gun, 
sundial in a 

pinch; quarter 
of three, quarter 

past already
last chance  
for cobwebs to dance
with sun motes, saw
dust in a belfry; 

that disco 

jew's harp 
jump and jive 

intro, bottle neck slide, 
Roundtree the morning's  
already a powdered

chalk scar 
on the floor 

of someone 
who died a lifetime 

before: You say 

drywall, I'm more 

sheet rock, 
the red rubber 
song ball, it's five 
o' clock. 
5/29/2012 05:17:16 pm

Nice construction blog.Hope your home will be the best.Best of luck for the new house.

6/13/2012 09:19:11 pm

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6/25/2012 07:05:29 am

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7/31/2012 09:16:47 pm

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